Jo Davis Art

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Dawn Chorus Group Illustrated Video

Program Evaluation Services


Dawn Chorus Group is dedicated to supporting non-profit organizations in their quest for social justice. By offering specialized program evaluation services, they help these organizations assess the effectiveness of their humanitarian efforts and identify areas for improvement.

Project Objectives

Dawn Chorus Group approached us with a clear objective: to create a compelling visual narrative that clearly explains their program evaluation process to their social benefit clients. Their goal was to make complex data analysis and evaluation techniques more accessible and relatable, ensuring their clients could fully understand and benefit from their services.

The primary challenge was effectively communicating the intricacies of program evaluation in a way that resonated with a diverse audience, including non-profit organizations involved in social justice work. Additionally, we needed to ensure that Dawn Chorus Group's branding was seamlessly integrated into the story.

Creative Strategy

To tackle these challenges, we began with a kickoff meeting to thoroughly understand Dawn Chorus Group's team, services, and target audience. We identified the needs and desires of their non-profit clients and delved deep into the specifics of their program evaluation process.

From this foundation, we developed a script that conveyed their services clearly and concisely. We then created illustrations, incorporating Dawn Chorus Group's branding elements, such as their signature bird and green color scheme. This bird symbolized their role in distilling complex data into actionable insights, akin to a single voice emerging from a morning symphony of birds.


Our initial attempt involved using cutout imagery and animation to tell the story. However, after receiving feedback from the client that it wasn’t working, we pivoted to a more traditional video format while maintaining the emphasis on their brand's visual storytelling.

The revised approach resulted in a video that effectively communicated the evaluation process, ensuring clarity and engagement for the intended audience.


While it is still early to measure the full impact of the video, Dawn Chorus Group expressed their excitement and satisfaction with the final product.

This project reinforced the importance of aligning innovative approaches with client expectations. The collaborative process and openness to feedback ensured that the final product met Dawn Chorus Group's needs. Additionally, incorporating branding elements into the storytelling helped create a cohesive narrative that resonated with their audience.