
Check out meetups and events where you can get creative with other weirdos like you!

I help people connect to their innermost creative selves by providing supportive spaces for people to destress, connect, and find community through art.

My personal art practice is a huge part of my life. It’s how I stay grounded and connected. I love to support others in developing their own creative practice.

I lead workshops that help you develop an self-care practice through making art.

Join a community group to find others with similar interests.

If you are looking for personalized attention to your craft and a way to jumpstart your skills, hire me for a private session.

Check out some videos I’ve made to help you get started right where you are.

In workshops, we make art within a relaxed space.

The focus isn't on producing a specific end product or showcasing any particular skill level or experience. It’s about creating art in a way that's free from judgment and comparison, fostering an ideal environment for personal growth.

This approach not only encourages relaxation but also invites self-discovery, making it a powerful journey for anyone involved.

Meetups & Events

These events offer ways to destress, make self-discoveries, and find community. Just as sharing a meal can make us feel more comfortable with our neighbors, sitting together to make art creates a similar sense of ease and openness.