Art promotes healthy community!

People need people. We learned this the hard way by surviving a pandemic. We were forced to go inside and for some of us we went further inside our own shells. Some of us are still in pandemic mode. Your creative genius wants to be around other creative geniuses. That’s how it gets stronger.

Meetups & Events

These events offer ways to destress, make self-discoveries, and find community. Just as sharing a meal can make us feel more comfortable with our neighbors, sitting together to make art creates a similar sense of ease and openness.

I’ve been working on community-based art projects for a long time…

In the early 2000s, I volunteered with 826 Valencia in San Francisco. This incredibly open and creative environment opened my eyes to the possibilities of immersive community-based art-making. Over a decade later, I began creating community-based art installations in Lancaster, PA. A friend and I opened a storefront art studio and event space called Modern Art. Our projects, infused with play and humor, invited people to question the status quo and have a little fun along the way.

After a few years, I joined the City of Lancaster's Office of Public Art. There, I focused on neighborhood-based initiatives, using art as a bridge to build a healthy community. By fostering empathy and accessing the light within us all, creativity and art become powerful entry points to belonging.

Below are some of my favorite past community-based projects.